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Summer Courses

Get ahead this summer with classes at Capital

You can make the most of your summer with many of our course offerings delivered remotely.

Register now for summer courses to hold your spot. If your plans change, don’t worry. You can cancel for a full refund any time before the start of classes.

Many of our summer undergraduate classes are delivered through remote learning. Also, some of our summer graduate courses in business, education, law, music, nursing and theology can be completed remotely.

Summer sessions offer opportunities to fit some additional courses into your year – whether you are trying to graduate ahead of schedule, catch-up to an existing plan, or make room in your schedule for additional courses. Also, as a Capital student summer courses count toward your GPA, so this is also a great opportunity to retake a course if you would like to improve your GPA.

Lower Tuition. Summer is a great time to study at Capital. You receive individual attention and you can complete a semester course in seven short weeks. And undergraduate tuition is reduced in the summer. See the current tuition and fees for summer courses.

For current Capital students and our guest students:
Capital University has a wide variety of summer courses designed to increase academic opportunities for undergraduate students – whether you’re from Capital or another university. Our summer session is rigorous, but it’s a great way to advance your academic coursework and earn credits that will transfer to your home college or university. As a Capital student, you'll get the added advantages of taking a Capital course with expert instruction, credit and grades that count, and no course transfer paperwork.

Classes in the arts, sciences, humanities and professions, including business, education, and social sciences, as well as classes that fulfill Capital’s Signature Learning requirements, will be taught by professors who are highly engaged and who use teaching and learning practices proven to have the highest impact on learning.

View the full schedule of summer courses.

Capital students can enroll NOW through myCap.

Summer at Capital University – we really do have something for everyone!

Summer Institute in Science & Mathematics

Does the idea of studying organic chemistry and differential equations make your heart skip a beat? Can you think of nothing better than hanging out with other science and math geeks talking shop? 

Our Summer Institute in Science and Mathematics is for you. Join students from across the country in an accelerated program that covers a full year of coursework in just one summer. Capital University is fully committed to our students’ learning and success.

Rigorous and supportive, the Summer Institute is an exhilarating learning experience. No matter what college or university you attend during the year, this program is a smart, stimulating and efficient way to earn transferable math and science credits.

Learn More About Summer Science & Mathematics

Summer Music Programs

Capital's Conservatory of Music offers a wide range of Summer Music Programs for middle school and high school educators.

Learn More About Summer Music Programs

Acadeum Summer Courses

Capital University provides online courses via Acadeum, a consortium of accredited higher education institutions sharing online offerings. Acadeum courses are taken during the summer term and provides students with opportunities to earn credit, accelerate progress toward graduation, or retake classes to improve your GPA.

Learn More About Acadeum Summer Courses

Registration for Summer Courses

Summer courses are offering a various format from face-to-face, hybrid, and online both synchronous and asynchronous. Check the myCAP schedule for details. 

Register now for summer courses to hold your spot. If your plans change, don’t worry. You can cancel for a full refund any time before the start of classes.

If you're looking for:

  • Dates: The dates for our Summer Sessions are posted on our Academic Calendar.
  • Course Offerings: Before scheduling classes or making definite plans, be sure to check out the most current official course listings and talk with your academic advisor. The official schedule is available on myCap.  If you have any registration questions, feel free to email, or if you have advising questions, you can reach a Success Advisor by emailing
  • Tuition and Fees: Visit our Tuition & Fees section.

If you are interested in taking summer courses, and you are not currently enrolled at Capital, you can apply to Capital as a non-degree student. If you are a degree seeking candidate, visit our application management portal.